Pharmacy audit is just around the corner - this coming Thursday for our pharmacy. This simply means that the whole pharmacy gets audited and apparently, the auditors can ask the staff questions randomly. Although I am not working on that day, I am just going in to have a look since I have never experienced or seen one before. *kepo*. Nah, actually I have to check if there's something left in my tray. I hope there is so that I can hand it in asap.
Believe it or not, I slept for 11.5 hours yesterday! (I really miss teh times in Uni where I can sleep anytime I want, whether it between lectures, in lectures, after workshops . . . just anytime for a nice nap) My brain was totally refreshing especially at work this morning. I should say luckily I turned in early last night as today I was delegated to be Sherlock Holmes. As what I always do every month, I investigate and seek for solution. I felt contented when I managed to solve everything. *feel so good* Today was a good day for me because I received phone calls from lovely callers (oh, i was floating too). Not even a nasty one today. The best two I have got were in the evening ;) One was really chatty (She said she did not want to hold me up but continued her story and had a good sense of humour too!). The other one was the same 92 year old elderly whom I talked to last Friday. I remembered her because of the way she talked. Oh, one more thing, my brain was doing me a good job today that I remembered a script from yesterday out of the numerous amount of rx we do every single day. Amazing huh. Just this once though. I wish I have photographic memory.
Next, I want to use this opportunity to extend my warm congratulations to all those who have passed their registration exam and become a pharmacist. Good job! When is my turn to get qualified? *shudder*
I saw two random folders on my desktop so I just uploaded all to these blogs. I don't have the slightest idea why they are still there.
The 12 below are some of the photos from the 2 weeks trip I made to Brunei last November.

At Lee Loi Fatt in Tutong aka my hometown
popo " eh yun, that ah gong there is very suai hor?" *giggle*
yun: "popo . . .too wrinkly already."
Sotong campur keladi
My two precious girls. Friends since form 1, best friends since form 4 till now. Even though these two are engineers, I as the odd one out still get along well with them.
From Juang's dettol uncle and mummy! So sweet
From Juang! Cute! Yes yes! I absolutely love messing up the kitchen when I cook/bake. Someone please clean up for me after I finish. Thanks -_-"
Next kampong as in Whangarei. Hey chabo! It is not that rural. Well, I can't even get gui ling gao here tho
Ecstasy pill card..LOL!
From dettol uncle! Yes! I will be happy always! 我会找到我的幸福的!
Murtabak telur! My favourite!
See my transition?
The next couple of photos are snapshots from celebration of Hari Raya in Dunedin last year.
Got sun meh?
At the same time, it was OMSA dinner downstairs. The theme as you can see was disney?
Spoiled her photo *oopsie*
Jamie, who came all the way from Christchurch, attended as well
You know you wouldn't want to mess around with me *hee-haw*
With Dr Brunton and his wife
Err..where's my tudong?
I will try to blog properly next time! Sorry for the randomness
-The End-