Sunday, September 25, 2011

Study hard out! Yeah right!

My off day today and what's my plan again? Study hard out? YEAH RIGHT~ Oh well, I am NOT motivated and feel quite sien after reading a page of Pharmacy Healthcare Handbook . . . Who enjoys studying right? I do if there's no exam. My assessment is just about a month away and what am I doing now? Starting another series of Taiwanese Drama . . . GG lor like this . . .
*sigh sigh sigh* I already got my Bpharm degree but this does not allow me to do anything. I still have to sit for another set of assessment in order to get the title "Pharmacist". Why can't we just do our internship for a year and our preceptor will be our assessor determining whether we are qualified to be a pharmacist. I seriously think this is the fairest way. It is very daunting to think that my fate of becoming a pharmacist is all based on 5 osce and 1 interview. >.,<

Book in front of me but eyes and mind fixed on laptop screen -_-"

The only thing I am looking forward to is dining at a Thai restaurant at 7pm later. . . *yum yum*

Guess what I am going to do now . . . NAP   
See you peeps 

-The end-

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Short break in Dunedin (22-26 July) - Part 6 - In Auckland

Stranded at the airport for 6 hours, I finally got on the plane flying to Auckland. However, I still could not get back to Whangarei as I have missed my connecting flight and what's more? I needed to get a bus ticket to Whangarei the next day. Well, bus is cheaper than getting a new ticket especially last minute. At the airport, my stomach was growling hence I settled it down with a bowl of hot noodle soup. 
Look on the bright side, I got this chance to meet up with Arthur, Jo, Bea and Joanne. =)
As usual, we went to a restaurant at Dominion Road

Oh oh not in the public

Before going back to Bea's residence to spend a night there, she took me to a park near to her house. At that instance, I thought about someone whom I care about dearly. Give it a guess people, it can be my family or friend =)

I learned a lesson: There is no way I am gonna climb up again because I had difficulty coming down. Oh man..It was as if I could fall and break my bones any time *heart lup dup lup dup*

Next day, Bea sent me off to the airport where I was catching the bus with 2 connecting buses in between before I reached Whangarei. yeah, this was a long trip for me because of several stops and 2 bus changes. My breakfast from McD 

I missed Brunei and hoped that I was hopping on a plane back home

Stopping at Manukau Westfield

In conclusion, despite the long wait at the airport and missed flight, it was a pleasant trip with the soft and fluffy flakes in Dunedin. Last but not least, it was good to catch up with people and gave me a great opportunity to witness International Cultural Night. Thanks

-The End-

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Short break in Dunedin (22-26 July) Part 4

On my third day in Dunedin, instead of subsiding, the snowfall got heavier, covering the ground white. After Yum Char in the morning, Jon went out to have coffee with Aufar, Zai and Mizah. I initially tagged along but couldn't walk on the slippery slope using my heels, and not even when I just wore socks because the socks just soaked wet when I stepped on the icy cold snow ground and oh gees...they made my feet so cold so no no way I wanted to walk . Yeah, I the only two pairs of footwear I brought were heels. Smart huh. I never expected snow. hee..but this gave me an excuse to buy a new pair of boot-styled shoes the next day (next post).
View from Jon's flat

Mizah happily posing under the beautiful snowflakes



It reminds me first year where we still look young, naive and innocent playing outside in the snow. *sakai* Lol. I should find the photo and post it in one of the entries. 

haaaa~ Snowball fight ended up in cleaning the floor. 

Happy smile!

In the evening, I had a dinner with my pharmacy bunch. To cut long story short, this dinner was on and off due to the snow but finally, I was convinced to still go for it despite the snow and coldness. Also thanks to Zai for lending me her flats (I changed to heels when I reached Etrusco ;P ) and also to the ever sweet Raymond to walk me down the slope. <3<3

Sorry Raymond, please bear with me while I quickly put on some eyeliner

Jon cooking curry =)

Before I left the house, Aufar distracted me with all these silly adorable actions of my beloved sheep

Walking to Etrusco . . . 

Arrived finally!

Have I ever told you I LOVE LOVE LOVE garlic bread? 

This spinach pasta is a MUST to order

Look at the plastic bag -- Inside: Zai's flat ;P

-To be continued