Friday, February 4, 2011

Room decoration

NOOOO~! My week is NOT over yet! Working starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Well, my off-days are pretty random which are 2 weekdays and Saturday.
My nightmare has come - start of evolve 'internship' program. Why can't we just skip this and go straight to registration at the end of the year without having the need to sit for any exam or do any assignment. Don't mind the training days if we don't have to do any homeworks, tests etc but just attend classes.

Yesterday, I felt that my room's walls are pretty empty and ugly so I furnished it with some stuff to make it at least homey (Not very homey still but better). Took out all my magical "crafts" I havent quite finished yet. Will just continue when i feel like it. *depends on my my mooood*

 Did you spot my nightmare?

 My friends in Brunei and NZ are all my family! We are ONE BIG FAMILY! 

 My baptism

 The miangs' idea! (Jon gave me the same thing too) Hey!! I don't want my boobs to be that BIG! Too heavy maaaan!

 Girls' Night Out 1. I am missing it very much where all the girls have more than just chit chat 

 From my ex-flatmates 


 Yes!!! my facial products had arrived! Seriously, my skin gets worse and worse here!

 On the first day of CNY, I baked KEK BATIK and shared it with my colleagues at work

What a coincidence, one of the shop staff brought banana cake and grapes because it was her birthday last December or rather advance birthday Heee

-The End-